
These organisms have only recently been discovered in 1983, by the Danish zoologist, R.M Kristensen. They are considered to be EXTREMOPHILES, because they can be found about 3,000 meters below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea. Here, they live without oxygen or sunlight, in an environment that is extremely salty, as it doesn’t mix with the less-saturated water above. These organisms do not depend on mitochondria for energy but in fact use hydrogenosomes.
Hydrogenosomes are found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, and are considered to be membrane bounded organelles. The given name derived from the fact that they release hydrogen as a bi-product of anaerobic energy generation. image


2 thoughts on “Loricifera

    • The post notifies how this particular EXTREMOPHILE adapts to the conditions by which it lives. Generally however, each type of EXTREMOPHILE has its specific method of sustaining life in its conditions.


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